
Jan 16, 2007 18:19

I'm trapped in my house and can't get out! I need you to save meeeeeeeee! Please?

Has anyone played Otogi 2? I'm trying to beat the crazy centipede guy and I'm wondering if there's a special trick. Do I just keep hitting him even after he starts dive-bombing me, or do have to do something else?

Life's slowly starting to get busy again. Ballet for me, work for Austin, and school for us both means that we both have much less time to spend with each other than we would like. Add one sick little guy and you've got a recipe for some minor frustration. I went over to his house yesterday to try and take care of him and man, it was so hard not to kiss him. He looked so adorable all curled up, trying to keep warm. It's making me cry just thinking about it, awwwwwww!

Still, I am resilient! Austin will get better soon and all will be fine and dandy. Well, you know, as fine and dandy as things can be with our busy schedules.

While all of this is going on, this year is supposed to be the kickoff year for the company going professional. I'm excited, although I know that I won't be staying with them much longer. I'm just so eager to get out there and try other companies. I'm already pretty much set on moving to Japan one day. From everything I know already, it just...seems to fit. Yes they're more conservative when it comes to what an acceptable relationship is, but at the same time they aren't nosy like we are. If they've got an opinion on something they aren't going to go trying to make someone's life an example of it. They'll just quietly keep it to themselves. Besides, Japan is rapidly coming into an age of tremendous social change. The only thing remaining of their former hierarchical society is what's in their language, women are more independent than they ever were before. Many younger couples are deciding against having children, and opting instead for a life spent solely with their partner. Of course, this is kind of a double-edged sword as Japan is now entering an underpopulation crisis (some of the smaller town schools have reported class sizes of a single student). Ultimately I don't think this is a big issue, though. One thing about the Japanese that I've noticed is that they don't dilly-dally on important issues like we do here. I'm expecting the population to bounce back sooner or later. Naturally before I make any sort of final decision I'm going to have to travel to the country first. But you know...leaving the United States seems like the thing my family is doing. My father's signed on to crew some sail boat around the south pacific, and he's been looking for a house in New Zealand ever since he got back four years ago. The only reason he was staying was because we were living part time with him. Now that we're almost never there, that's out of the way and he's free to move if he still wants to. My mom's been talking about leaving the country for awhile to, although less for entertainment and more for her anthropological work. I don't know whether she's decided between Ireland or India yet, but meh. I think they're waiting until after Hannah and I are out of college before they do that, so that's nothing that's going to be happening in the near future. But yeah, if my dad is leaving the country, and my mom and Marty are leaving the country, and I really don't want to live here, then what's the point of staying? Sure I'll miss my friends terribly, but I'll be able to keep in touch with them. And I'll still be able to visit. And it's not like I won't make new ones too. Hmm...we shall see.

Whew, that was some heavy stuff for me. I'm going to go check on mom's status. She got trapped downtown because trimet stopped all the buses headed out this way, so now my grandpa has to go get her. Gotta see how that's going. Then I'm going to see if a decision has been made about school tomorrow. I heard it's supposed to get to be about 25 this evening, and that we're supposed to be getting freezing rain too. I don't know how freezing rain and 25 degrees go together, but whatever.

snow, japan, moving, ballet

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