a few random thoughts...

Oct 16, 2008 23:01

*i like boys in skinny jeans and side swept bangs
*vaca to Washington state is on hold for a long time. I am going to Boca instead.
*i think i should live in the NW USA at somepoint in my life. Everything about it interests me.
*a few of my fav bands are from the NW(including This Providence!!!).
*Josh thinks i was made for domestic life.
*...I think he is right.
*ummmm since when did i start becoming a republican??! I am shocking myself. so yes, that means I am most likely voting for McCain (i still consider myself undecided though) and YES in Prop 8.
* i am NOT the person i was a year ago.
*i like who i am now.
*f that......i fricken love myself.
*God is good. His blessings are endless.
*i bought the cutest Christmas shirt tonight!
* i <3 rhinestones!
*I need to make more money to support my love for clothes.
*dance allows me to eat cookies while everyone else at the party crowds the veggie plater.
*Dutchie is the best ever! So glad my little kitty came into my life last year.
*I need a massage.

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