Your Rising Sign is Scorpio
You're so intense and passionate - you're on fire!
You want to be an angel or a devil... you can't decide which.
No wonder you seem moody and even a little dangerious.
You've got some major mystery going on, so work it!
Your personality is the strongest of all signs, making you hard to deal with.
While you're ruthless to your enemies, you're loyal to your one true love.
What's Your Rising Sign? *nods*
yeah really is true.
so school today was....amusing?
i didn't feel the immediate urge to skip class.
*thumbs up*
i'm really looking forward to pretty much every one of my classes...except trig & analyt.
but it's my last year of i'll deal.
i got a letter in the mail today about ordering my class ring *huzzah*
lunch was amazingly fun...we played zip, zap, zop with c dawgy's intro class.
&& it was just wonderful to watch them all focus so much & enjoy themselves once we started playing.
i felt like we made people comfortable...which is a great feeling.
advanced acting was also wonderful...the activity on the front of the stage made me realize why i can no longer tech.
i enjoy tech...& obviously i'll do stuff...because i can't resist...buuuut, i truly want to act.
& it felt if you will.
just being there.
we're going to do some cool stuff...& learn a lot.
which excites me.
tattersall is awesome.
he has darth vader in his room...&& a coffee machine plus green tea packets.
the book is small, so that suits me fine.
julia & i have a kickass locker.
which we'll decorate...eventually.
uhm..what else...history pwns.
i'm truly excited for that.
robie is awesome...he taught us the latin slang word for prostitute (lupa)
we had a cool discussion in lang...& i have to draw an elephant for homework xDDD
i understood a good portion of brendan is in there.
so it should rock.
all in was good.
& i think i'm really going to enjoy this year *grins*
ohh ohh ohh && julia & brendan are amazing news anchors...the best everrrr!
pax ex.