Today I watched 2 documentaries. One was called 'Born Into Brothels' which is about these children who are born to and live in the red district(prostitutuin circle) of Calcutta. The other was called 'Afghan Star' and it's about these 4 singers(2 females and 2 males) who enter the Afghanistan version of 'American Idol'.
Here's the trailer of 'Born Into Brothels':
Click to view
Here's the trailer of 'Afghan Star':
Click to view
Both of these documentaries are very powerful, but 'Afghan Star' actually broke me down, I'm still crying just thinking about it. The story of Setara has really affected me. The fact that she got, and is probably still getting, death threats and couldn't even come to her house or see her family for a month because she danced on stage while she was singing, is just so horrifying to me. I've always known that I wanted to be part of an international organization, like the United Nations, but this has really just pushed me and made me realize how much I really want that. Hopefully I can lend my voice to these people who have a voice, but can't or aren't being heard.