Dec 13, 2004 16:55
I really don't like christmas.
call me what you must i dont care. but i really do not like christmas at all
its sad that ppl have to spend money to show ppl that they care.
and i know a ton of ppl are going to say you dont have to get anything blah blah blah
but thats shit.
everyone knows the true meaning of christmas...
recieving things, and only to give them back in return so they don't feel bad
christmas was not meant to be stressfull
but it has been jammed down our throats that its now just a money grabber.
and as much as you may deny that.
it truly and honestly is.
the highest sucuide time of the year is christmas, i wonder why?
weve turned a happy holiday into something that drives ppl to the edge
and makes ppl spend more and more money every year.
call me cruel but think of the kids that get nothing and the kids that are pissed
if they dont get everything.
this holiday isnt about happiness anymore. its about material
don't say it is about happiness and if you say it is then your wrong
cause to have the highest suicide rate in the year.. its not happy.
happy holidays