Jan 09, 2008 22:34
Today was a productive day.
I went to class and stayed awake (wooo go me). I loaded all most all of my music onto my lappy so I can't lose it and I don't have to make Todd burn it for me again heh. Which includes all of the beatles ever made ever. I'm so stoked. My new favorite song is "Honey Pie" from their white album. I love it and I'm not entirely sure why.
I also worked out today for like an hour and I feel really good about it. Because I'm sick of not looking how I want to. It's up to me and no one else so I should stop bitching about it and do something about it and I certainly have enough time so it's not like I have any excuse. I just hope I keep up with it.
I'm not really sure what I want out of life right now. Sometimes I feel like I've been wasting my life but I don't know what I want to be doing instead. I feel like I'm missing something that I'm supposed to know before I can move forward. Blah it's probably all nonsense.
I already miss Seattle. I mean it's not that I don't have fun here. It's just that it's not enough ya know? After dinner everything just kind of ends and I go home and watch movies or read or spend farrr to long on the internet and I don't know it's not what I want to be doing. Seattle to me is just such a blast I'm out all the time and with people I love and doing cool new things and talking about big meaningful stuff and I have my own room where I can just zone out and I miss being able to be truly alone. I love Ali (my new roommate) but I just wish I could be totally 100% alone more then I can be with her here.
Meh I don't know I just wanna do kick ass this term. Lose weight and stay motivated and get healthier.