Apr 23, 2003 00:12
Name: Andrea
Birthdate: 10-12-1983
Location: Vancouver WA
Sex: girl
Height: 5'8"
Current Bands/artists: Always Weezer, Figure Four, New Found Glory,
Clothing: Jeans and a T-shirt
Accessories: Belt, rings, penny necklace
This or that...
Nice smiles or nice eyes?: i notice smiles first then eyes
Jeans or skirts? : Jeans!
Boots or sneakers? : Vans
Natural or make-up? : Im usually natural
Restaurants or fast food? : ehhh
Italian food or Chinese? : depends
Dark or light eyes? : Green eyes
Streaked or dyed hair? : Mines dyed
Vampires or Gods? : Vampires
Shakespeare or Greek mythology? : Greek mytholgy
Milk shakes or floats? : Milk Shakes
Drugs or cigarettes? : XXX
Football or cheerleading? : neither
Cake or pie? : Cheesecake
Do you want to die? :: old age
Do you brush your teeth? :: uhhh
Much time do you take to dress up? :: not long
Do you like your life? :: SOmetimes
Well do most people know you? :: Depends on who they are
Often do you smile? :: whenever i feel the need
Many times a week do you eat junk food?: good god, i dont know.
Do you..
Sing? :: Yeah but i sound like a dying cat
Dance? :: not recently
Laugh a lot? :: Yes
Like spicy food? :: love it!
Prefer bagels over yogurt? :: no
Have a boyfriend/girlfriend? :: yep 21 months now
Think babies are cute? :: Yes i do
Children in general? :: Sometimes.
Believe in fortune cookies? :: No
Believe in life after death? :: No
Believe in life after love? :: Yes
Believe that anything is possible? :: yep
Believe that everyone has a purpose in life? :: I dont know yet
Know what yours is? :: Im not sure
You a girl? :: Last time i checked
You a comedian? :: Not usually
Your friends true friends in your opinion? :: the ones i have yes
You bored? :: No, Im talking to Andrea! She's the bestest. (insert the name MIA for Andrea)
Your heritage :: German
Your usual outfit :: Sweatshirt and jeans
Your hair :: red and spikey
Your eyes :: BLUE
What you'd like to change about yourself :: Everything
Are your weaknesses? :: oh way to many
Are your fears? :: i have a few of these too
Does your perfect pizza consist of? :: Cheese
Is one thing you would like to achieve? :: Balance in my life
Do you love the most? :: Jake and my real friends
Is the one person who makes you laugh the most? :: Jake hes a dork
Really annoys you? :: hahahahaha not telling
Could you not live without? :: everyone.
Hate too much of a strong word? :: I dont think so.
Food from other cultures good? ::Yes
Your mood calm at the moment? :: ehh so so
First grade teacher's name: Uhh i had 3
Last word you said: honestly
Last song you sang: Ive got a lovely bunch of coconuts.
Last song stuck in your head: Buddy Holly
What's in your CD player: Me? C.D. player? Unn my fighting music cd has been stuck in my car cd player since january
What color socks are you wearing: none
What's under your bed: Junk
What's the weather like: It's dark outside.
What time did you wake up today: 5:30 am
Who do you want to marry: Jake
Are you going to college: Yep in June
Where do you want to go: Ill be at clark, then psu
What is your career going to be: doctor hopefully
Where are you going to live: Vancouver
How many kids do you want: 2 or 3
Kids' names: felicity rian and i dont know what else
Where do you want your honeymoon: anywhere tropical and sunny
What kind of car will you have: ANyone hopefully!!!!