They Call it LOVE <3

Dec 07, 2010 11:34

Title: They Call it LOVE <3
Pairing: akame
Genre: romance
Rating: pg
Warning: GIRL KAME and BAKA JIN!
Disclaimer: I only own the plot.
Summary: He is Akanishi Jin. She is Kamenashi Kazuya. He's a baka. She isn't. He's a playboy. She's loyal. He's a magnet and she isn't. What if one day, they'll be crossing paths or even be neighbors.. you think they can stop their hearts from falling for each other?
A/N: Hope you'll support it too just like MoL. Arigatou~


After nine months, Kazuya successfully bore a healthy baby boy which they named..

“Aquaneesha!” Jin said.

“What an ugly name!” Pi argued, “Besides, it’s gross! Where the hell did you get that name?”

“My brain told me.” Jin answered.

“Since the baby is a guy and for sure he’ll be good-looking and a magnet just like his uncle, let’s name him, YAMAPI!  Isn’t that great?” Pi suggested proudly.

“If you’ll give him the name Yamapi, he might grow a pervert.” Mika said, whacking Pi on the head.

“How about you, Yuuki? What do you want to name your baby brother?”  Ueda asked.

“Yuya.” Yuuki simply answered. “Can we name him Yuya, please?”

Ryo smiled, “Yuya’s a good name. What do you think Kazuya?”

Kazuya smiled, “Yeah. It is a good name, right Mr. Aquaneesha?”

Jin pouted, “Well, Aquaneesha is Yuya’s nickname!”

“Akanishi Yuya, welcome to the world our little sunshine.” Kazuya said after the nurse handed her the baby.

Kazuya was discharge of the hospital and went straight home with Jin and Baby Yuya aka Aquaneesha.

“Aquaneesha, baby. You’re so cute.” Jin said stroking Yuya’s chin.

“Stop calling him Aquaneesha! It sounds so gay.” Kazuya argued rolling her eyes.


“But seriously, who’s this Aquaneesha?”

“Hmmm.. he’s the other side of me - the cooler and genius side of Akanishi.”

Kazuya smiled and raised her brow, “Oh yeah?”

Months quickly pass by and it’s almost a year - a year full of happiness, a year with no fear on any danger that might occur, a year full of love.

“Jin,” Yamapi started trying to get the guy’s attention, “I’ve been planning for this quite awhile. You see, Mika and I we’ve been together for a long time and you know that I’ve been a good boy. Uhm, actually we were talking about a life together, I was planning to propose. What’s your say? Is that okay?”

Jin stopped playing with Yuya for awhile and look at Pi, “I know how much you love my sister and I believe you’ll protect her. Phew.. I’ve never thought I’ll be saying this to you but go on, as long as you’ll never hurt my sister, I’m fine with it.”

“Really?! Oh my gosh! Thank you brother! Thank you!” Yamapi shouted with joy.

“Shut up! Stop calling me brother!”

“Hai.” Pi sat once again and asked Jin, “How about you, when do you plan on marrying your one true love?”

“I’m planning it already. Actually, we are planning it. We’re just waiting for the right time. She wants to be a June bride so, we were planning to have it around June 11 on top of the hill.”

“Wow! You never told me that you are planning already.”

“I told Ryo since he’s more productive than you.”


Ryo came and joined the conversation.

“What’s up?” Ryo asked, getting Yuya from Jin and sat across Pi.

“We were talking about weddings.” Pi answered, “Speaking of which, what’s your wedding plan Ryo-chan?”

“Tat-chan, she’s annoying. She doesn’t want to get married yet. She said we’ll wait for another year and here comes another year, let’s wait again for another year.”

Jin and Pi laughed, “Maybe, something’s wrong with Ryo-chan that’s why Tat-chan doesn’t want to marry you.”

Ryo smiled, “No, she still has a lot of plans that’s why we can’t marry yet. But even how many years, she’ll make me wait, I’ll wait, I can wait until that day comes when we’ll change our vows.”

“Aww, how sweet.” Pi teased.

“We’ve grown a lot, right?” Jin said, “who would’ve thought that these three, stubborn guys who plays with love is now talking seriously about life, wedding and love.”

“Yeah.” Ryo agreed, “I never thought that I’ll fall for that noisy brat who all of you forced me to date with.”

“And who would’ve thought that Jin’s sister is my true love. She has been there all along since we were little kids.”

“And who would’ve thought too, that I’ll be living a life with Kazuya months from now. Kazuya who always hated me from the start, the girl who cried lots of tears because of me, the girl who is born for me to protect eternally.”

They continued their little boys’ talk. When was the last time they did it? They can’t even remember but all they know this talk is a lot more different from the talk they have when they haven’t met these girls yet - the girls who changed them.

A night before the wedding of Jin and Kazuya.

“Are you okay?” Jin asked holding Kazuya’s cold hand while lying on the bed.

“I’m nervous.” Kazuya replied, “and happy at the same time.”

“It’s normal you’re getting married to the hottest boy in Japan.”

“Ohh..shut up my future husband.”

“You’re rude my future wife.” Jin answered and they started laughing.

And then they day that the both of them has been waiting for has finally arrived. They woke up early in the morning and went on their separate rooms to get arranged. Jin finished first and went straight to where the reception is. Yuuki is with him she’s one of the flower girls, Mika and Tat-chan are the bride’s maids and Ryo and Yamapi are the groom’s men.

The area was slowly filled with people - mostly their close friends and relatives. Then it was time for Kazuya to march down the aisle where Jin is waiting, she was escorted by Jun’s father who always treated her as his own daughter and only wishes for her happiness.

Jin watched as Kazuya along with Matsumoto’s father marched down the aisle. He couldn’t feel anything but happiness all over. He wanted to cry while reminiscing all that has happened between them. Who would have thought that all along, it was her? No, he knew it was really her since the beginning of their story.

“I wish you both a happy life.” Mr. Matsumoto said before handing Kazuya’s hand to Jin.

They exchanged their I do’s and after being pronounced as husband and wife, Jin kissed Kazuya fully on the lips.

Everyone went straight to the next venue where everything is ready even the foods are waiting for their arrival.

After eating a piece of cake and everything, they danced slowly just as requested by the visitors.

“Thank you.” Kazuya said while dancing.

“What’s that for?”

“For everything - for the love, the smiles, the laughter, Yuya and you. Thank you.”

Jin smiled, “I should be the one thankful here. After all the tears and heart aches, I’ve brought you, you still accepted me as a whole and gave me a wonderful baby and I’ll be sure to give you a wonderful life ahead - a wonderful for us, for Yuuki and Yuya. I will be the best husband and father to you and the kids, I promise.”

“You don’t have to promise, I knew you can. I love you, Jin.”

“I love you too.”

Two great years passed and soon, Mika and Pi married and after their honeymoon, Mika’s already pregnant and Pi is just the happiest bastard in the eyes of Jin and Ryo.

“I will be a father~~” Pi sang the whole time while cleaning the house alone because he doesn’t want Mika to help though she is still 2 months pregnant. Pi never let her work, he’s worried of what might happen to the baby - call him overprotective, overacting he’ll just shrug his shoulders off.

“Yeah. We’ve heard that a lot already.” Ryo said standing in front of the door with Jin.

“Where’s my sister?” Jin asked carrying a basket of fruits.

“She’s inside her room.”

“Can I go in?”


Jin knocked on the door before entering.

“How are you?”

“I’m fine and bored. That guy over there scolds me when I do any work, I can’t even wash the dishes or just dust the windows.”

“Let him be. He’s just excited and worried. At least, he’s not some bastard out there who lets their pregnant wife do the chores and do the living while their sleeping like a prince, right?”

Mika smiled, “Yeah. I know. Are you alone?”

“Ryo’s with me.”

“Kazuya and Ueda?”

“They’re, I don’t know where they are.”

“Eh? Why?”

“Kazu said she’ll be meeting Ueda in a secret place.”

“Tell it already Tat-chan!” Kazuya said excitedly.

“But how? I’m nervous.”

“You can do it!”

“Ryo can we talk?” Ueda said standing in front of Ryo who is reading some magazines.

Ryo smiled and pulled Ueda’s arm so she’ll be sitting on his lap. “Yes?”

Ueda leaned her back on Ryo chest and played with hands, “Actually, I’ve been thinking with this for awhile and talked about it with Kazuya.”


“Okay, I’ll be going straightforward, Ryo.” Ueda said and faced Ryo, “Let’s get married!”

Ryo’s face turned blank and all he can utter was, “Huh?”

“I said let’s get married. You see, you’ve been waiting for a long time. Kazuya and Jin have married and so was Mika and Pi. So, I think it’s about our time to create our own family.”

Ryo smiled, “Then when will it be? Ohh. Let’s look for a good wedding ring first? Then let’s -“

Ueda cut Ryo by kissing him on the lips. “We’ll plan on it little by little, my Osaka man.”

After the wedding of Ryo and Ueda everything turned out for all of them. They both have their own family while Ryo and Ueda are just starting to have one.

Few more years and the three families are having a great time of being a parent to their children but they make sure that they still have time for each other.

From strangers, to neighbors, to friends, to lovers, to the point of breaking up and living on their own for a long time they have seen each other once again, the love is still there but no one would thought that they can still make it through all the obstacles, no one except them who believes that they can and they did. They married and have kids and they’ll be living their life together, no one can ever separate them again, not even death maybe it’s the power of what of us call LOVE.


Wow, it's done! Never thought it will be my last update on this fic.

Thank you to all who supported this fic! :D

I know, it’s rare to have a HET and not all likes HET.

But again, thank you to all of you who contributed to the success of this fic.

Jaaa Nee! :)

pairing: akame, fanfic: they call it love, length: multi-chapter

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