Since this week was ~EPIC TV WEEK~, at least if you are me, which I hope you are not because that would be weird, I thought I'd give my thoughts on the two things that made it epic:
1) The Venture Bros. (extremely long-awaited) season 4 premiere, and
2) Wil Wheaton's guest appearance on The Big Bang Theory
I shouldn't have to point out that there will be spoilers and speculation under the cuts, but I am anyway, For Your Convenience.
Venture Bros. Season Premiere
Okay, I have only watched this episode once, and I usually have to watch new VB eps at least twice before I figure out what the hell is going on. But my main computer's busted and this one fights me when I try to watch videos, so I'm just gonna work with what I've got.
I totally knew from the beginning of the episode that the dog was going to somehow be Hitler! That voice Dean was whining in was an unmistakable NOOOO DON'T TAKE MAH DOGGIE voice. I didn't realize the dog actually was Hitler at first, though, I thought it was just named that, or something. I kinda got hit with some fridge logic later though, because didn't Dean also not know the dog was Hitler at first? Yet he was screaming about loving Hitler at the beginning. Yeah, I don't know.
I didn't understand any of what was going on with Brock - I mean he got fat, and had Helper keeping him... alive somehow? How many times has Helper been substituted for someone's internal organs now? Also apparently Col. Gathers never got a sex change after all... which, if nothing else, explains why he never bothered to shave his face as a woman. And the Brock at the end... that wasn't Brock, I'm sure. I don't know who he was, but the fat Brock seemed more like the real thing. The second one was too... sunny? Really though, I didn't understand any of this subplot. I'll have to watch that part again.
Mainly the thing I took away from this episode was that I totally ship 21 and 24 now. (That would so be in glitter text if I knew how to do it.) I mean, I guess I ship them retroactively, what with 24 being dead and all. But damn, 21 was SO DESPERATE to get 24 back. "I will raise him as my own son!" I mean, Captain Kirk stole a spaceship and risked everyone's career to resurrect Spock, and even he didn't seem as desperate as 21. And that happened almost the same way - I wonder if we're going to actually get a plot where 24 is cloned and has to regrow to adulthood. Given the creators' affection for cloning, and also for ridiculousness, it would not surprise me one bit. I just hope he doesn't go through pon farr.
Speaking of which, I was totally loving 21's geekiness in this episode. I loved the running value of the comic book, and him showing up with a LARP crew. Doc Hammer made a comment at Dragon*Con that when he sees people cosplaying as henchmen he has trouble reminding himself that they're not actually henchmen, because the henchmen would actually go to Dragon*Con. That was all I could think of during 21's parts of the episode. He is quickly climbing my list of favorite characters after this ep.
All in all it was a pretty entertaining episode, if a confusing one. If this computer lets me rewatch it I will be eternally grateful.
The Big Bang Theory
This is only the second episode I've watched of this show, but I love it already. However, I didn't care much for the plot about Howard getting a girlfriend, mostly because of the whole "omg girls can't be geeks" thing. We damn sure can! (I am clearly preaching to the choir here, because almost everyone on my flist is a girl geek, but no matter.) But the whole time Howard was talking to the girl I was all BUT I LOVE SCI-FI! I LIKE GAMING! I LOVE COMPUTERS! I LOVE PUPPIES! GIRUGAMESH! Seriously though, this girl doesn't like puppies? I mean even if I didn't personally care for dogs I'd still think it was adorable if I was on a date with a guy and he listed puppies as one of his interests. Puppies! I probably wouldn't count Klingon in the total number of languages someone could speak, but then I wouldn't count Esperanto either. And I'd still be like HELLS YEAH STAR TREK :D
So anyway I get real tired of geeky boys whining that girls don't like geeks, when what they actually mean is that the thin blonde cheerleader types they keep chasing are not interested in them, and since no other girls are worth dating, this = "wah girls don't like me".
But that's not what this episode is REALLY about. This episode is about WIL WHEATON, BITCHES. And he was pretty awesome in it, playing a rat bastard version of himself. I love that after the episode aired he had to clarify on Twitter that he's not actually evil in real life. Anyone who follows him on Twitter should already know that he's.. well... just a geek. Wheaton: it does exactly what it says on the tin.
Anyway, I loved all the Wrath of Khan references, and Sheldon's whole bit about "Memaw" and being called Moon Pie. I also had a little moment of glee when I realized they were using what I'm absolutely positive were Pokemon cards. I didn't notice this until someone mentioned it on Twitter, but when I rewatched... yep, Pokemon cards. In fact, I'm pretty sure I saw Wil holding a Buneary at one point. Enchanted Bunny, indeed.
And I'm sure everyone who saw this agrees on the best moment of the show...