random post :)

Jul 21, 2009 17:07

Hi! I haven't been on this for awhile! I read a couple of my old posts..quite interesting..decided to update this survey I took in 2005 and see what the differences are.

+yourname: Alison
+ your gender: Female
+ age: 23
+ height: 5'3 (when I stand up straight) :P
+ hair color: brown
+ eye color: brown
+ your location: at home/ Alhambra
+ fears: heights?, spiders, snakes? people jumping out to scare me, a lot of things

+ peed your pants? yes
+ cheated on someone? no
+ fallen off the bed? yes
+ fallen for a relative? well my baby cousin corwin is cute! hahaha but not fallen for him..no incest
+ had plastic surgery? no
+ broke someone`s heart? yes...unfortunately
+ had a dream come true? yes
+ done something you regret? yeah
+ cheated on a test? I dont think so
+ been raped? no
+ broken a body part? Nope

+ wearing ? gray shirt and striped blue boxers
+ listening to ? xiao yu
+ chewing ? nothing
+ feeling (at the moment)? bored, and slightly hot :P
+ reading ? nothing at the moment..maybe fanfiction?
+ located ? my house
+ chatting with ? no one
+ watching ? laptop monitor
+ should REALLY be ? working...someone give me a job! haha

+ brush your teeth? yes
+ like anybody? maybe ;)haha
+ have any piercings? nope
+ believe in Santa Claus? nope never
+ ever get off the computer? haha maybe

+ who is your best? I dont have a best friend but many close friends.
+ who is the loudest? cindy, june, helen
+ who is the shyest? tracy?
+ who is the 'hottest'? lol..morgen will say he is...but there is a lot haha
+ who is the coolest? all of them :)
+ who is the cutest? jackie and tricia, a lot
+ who laughs the most? jackie
+ who has the craziest laugh? i don't know
+ who have you known the longest? cindy--since first grade! or howard or jonathan
+ who have you known the shortest? loma linda pharmacy friends :)
+ who is the easiest to talk to? all of them :)
+ do you belong to a crew? haha i dunno i try not to
+ do you hang out with the opposite sex? yup
+ do you trust your friends? yup yup
+ are you a good friend? I guess?
+ can you keep a secret? i think so? i don't know

+ hugged - cindy
+ IMed ? cindy
+ talked to on the phone- my mom
+ yelled at ? my mom :/
+ fell in love with ? taku :)
+ tripped ? nope i trip haha
+ turned down ? :X

+What do you want to be when you grow up? pharmacist
+ What was the worst day of your life? i dunno, there is a lot i guess?
+ What is your most embarrassing story? the most popular is get my head stuck in a garage and trip over bicycle rack
+ What has been the best day of your life? i don't know
+ What comes first in your life? family and school and friends
+ Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush? yes
+ Who do you hate? no one?
+ What do you usually think about before you go to bed? what i have to do the next day

+ Movie: pretty woman, spiderman 2, sex and the beauties, the lion roars, new police story, a lot
+ Song: jay chou, backstreet boy, a lot, richard marx- right here waiting
+ Group: backstreet boys
+ Store: supermarket :P
+ Relative: all of them :)
+ Sport: tennis
+ Vacation Spot: australia!
+ Ice Cream Flavor: strawberry, vanilla, or mint chip
+ Fruit: all of them :)
+ Candy: sour belts, sour patch kids, anything sour
+ Holidays: chinese new year, christmas, thanksgiving
+ Day of the Week: any day is fine
+ Color: purple and blue
+ Magazine: none
+ Name for a Girl: Jayne (hahahah!!!)
+ Name for a Boy: jay! (hahahah)

SECTION 9 [ DO YOU . . .]
+ Like to give hugs? Depends
+ Like to walk in the rain? Depends how heavy the rain is
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? On
+ Prefer black or blue pens? depends...usually black
+ Dress up on Halloween? Nope
+ Have a job? nope :(
+ Like to travel? yes
+ Like someone? yes
+ Sleep on your side- yup
+ Think you're attractive? no
+ Want to marry? sure if its the right one
+ Have a goldfish? Nope, but beta fishes
+ Ever have the falling dream? nope
+ Have stuffed animals? Yes
+ Go on vacation? Yes...occasionally

+ Abortion: no unless you have been raped, you have to be responsible for your actions
+ Bill Clinton: democrat, cheated on wife
+ Suicide: shouldn't be done
+ Summer: hot and fun :)
+ Tattoos: i dont have one
+ Piercing: i dont know, dont have one either
+ Make-up: umm no, natural baby! haha
+ Drinking: know your limits :)
+ Guys: the opposite sex, confusing
+ Girls: cool :)

+ Pierced nose or tongue? none
+ Be serious or funny? both
+ Simple or Complicated? both
+ Law or anarchy? law
+ MTV or BET? ? mtv
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? none?
+ Sugar or salt? salt
+ Silver or gold? silver
+ Tongue or belly button ring? none
+ Chocolate or flowers? flowers
+ Angels or miracles? miracles
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? color
+ Sunrise or sunset? sunset
+ M&M's or Skittles? skittles
+ Rap or Rock? rock
+ Stay up late or sleep in? both
+ TV or radio? radio
+ Hot or cold? hot
+ Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter? taller than me
+ Sun or moon? both
+ Diamond or Ruby? amethyst haha
+ Left or Right? right
+ 10 acquaintances or one best friend? one best friend
+ Give or recieve? give
+ Rain or snow? rain
+ Lace or satin? satin
+ A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? a lifetime of friendship
+ Happy or sad? Happy
+ McDonald's or Burger King? mcdonald's
+ Mexican or Italian food? I like both
+ A house in the woods or the city? both sounds nice
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