I posted this comment on another page and all I see getting is ignored so I hope you can help me out! Okay I got 2 requests...
1.) Is if you can take my default icon and if you can then make the heart full and then unstead of it saying "Without you my heart Breaks" Make is "Jama Loves George" and on the bottom in littler letters "10-05-03"
2.) My second one is look on my livejournal (
http://www.llivejournal.com/users/jama_n_george) and I need a icon that is the SAME colors as my livejournal and put "Forever in Love" and then make it flash back and say "Jama Loves George" and put 10-05-03 on the bottom. Please make is Pritty and Sparkley! Thanks!
*credits will be given*