Media: Fic
Title: The Klaine CrissColfer Show
Author: Elizabeth (ilovehummel)
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Crack, Sexual Tension, blowjobs, mentions of noncon, Severe AU, Awkward versions of RPF
Spoilers: None
Pairings: Klaine, CrissColfer
Summary: Not your typical RPF. Tony Award Winner Kurt Hummel and singer Blaine Anderson star as Chris Colfer and Darren
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And with the pregnancy thing...I promise it's just a dramatic tactic I'm using to bring CrissColfer closer together.
Thanks for reading...
I just have this stupid tendency to put all this drama in one chapter and then it ends up freaking people out because hey this was supposed to be a fluffy crack story.
I just don't like to lose readers so I always get freaked out that people are gonna stop reading when I get comments like that.
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