Nov 11, 2005 22:59
well. good ol' livejournal. havent been on here in a while...hehhehehehehehe
ok so lets strart off with jon.
he is so frikin a cow.
update update update.blah blah blah! HERE IM UPDATING!!!!!!!! j/k
ok. next ALOT has happened since m,y last update but really i totally do not remember it so ill just say this....i have NO short term memory and VERY LITTLE long term memory.
ok so lately i have been REALLY angry and i have no idea why. i mean its unhealthy. and i have like issues with almost everyone.
also i REALLY like the guy i like. i mean really but....... i think he likes someone else. and i sdont know sometimes i think he likes me but othert imes its like he hates me. hes confusing as a cow but after all he is a boy.
ho hum pigs bum.....