Mar 17, 2007 21:13
For some reason last night at 10:07 pm, I just got this idea for a poem or a piece of creative writing or whatever. I usually don't write this stuff down and then I always regret it.
A poem came out of it. I like it. IT is about how when you sleep you are sort of allowing yourself to be forgotten in your own little world. And while in the morning you are much more comfortable in bed, you still have to get out and try new things. I think it is about acceptance and being open. Your sheets enclose you like a pocket keeps things from the outside world untill you are ready to take it out and use it. Sometimes you need to fall out of your pocket and see what happens...
^that is what I wrote last night to introduce the poem I wrote down in little segments on sticky notes. I will rewrite it later when I have more time but right now I just want to get it on here before I go out to dinner.
Tucked Away
Your sheets are tucked in
so tightly.
The miniscule interstice,
where the sheets are squeezed between your mattress
and the base of the bed,
that is the seam.
Your bed is the pocket.
A bed is the pocket,
In the jeans of the universe.
Doing away with you
it remembers you are there
and pulls you out.
But we don't know
when whenever comes
if at all.
IF it does, we will be ready
or you can be lint.
Answer yourself when later comes.
Tommorow morning you can save yourself
from being
Although you're worn out
from being
used to it.
You climb out of your designated pocket
although tired, you rip out those god damned seams.
However, you see the mess you've made and feel guilty.
You restitch a new pocket.
Your room looks
You're proud of the job you've done.
after your universe
has temporarily lost use for you
you allow it to put you away again.
As if you had a choice.
I think you put yourself away.
I am so thankful
That I share a room with others who don't make their beds.
^^^ that is just the better of 2 rough drafts but I feel like it has potential for me to love it.^^