Just because livejournal seems like as good a place as any...

Sep 05, 2006 16:20

So, one of my psych classes this semester is a group dynamics in organizations class.  And so we do a lot of ice breakers and whatnot to try to.. well I don't really know why we do them.  Something about group dynamics.


One of the things we do is that Dr. C has this jack-o-lanturn full of index cards and each index card has a question on it.  We take turns and pick a card and have to talk about our answer to the question for a minute.  These questions are written by students so some are very serious and some are funny and some are just regular every day questions.  You don't really have to answer the question if you don't want to as long as you can take it off onto a relatively related tangent and talk for the required minute.


Today was my turn.  And I got one of the serious questions.  My question said "Do you believe that the social change that occurred during the 1960's was positive or negative and why?" Well I didn't really feel like answering a serious question because.. it wasn't a history class, I don't feel like it's a debate class either, and I just didn't want to.  So this in a nutshell was my answer...

"Well I wasn't born in the 1960's.. I was actually born in the 80's.. 1987 to be specific.  This also isn't a history class and although I'm not ignorant to history, it's not one of my favorite subjects and I really just don't feel like discussing it right now.  So as I said... I was born in 1987.. actually I was born on March 5, 1987 which makes today my half birthday." I paused and everyone clapped "Yep, I'm 19 1/2 today, and I think that's kind of a big deal because this is my last birthday of my teenage years.. and yeah I just think that's kind of important." By this point everyone is laughing at me.  It was ridiculous.  I realize they were laughing at what I was saying... but I'm not used to being the class clown and this was getting so embarassing. I was too far in by this point though so it wasn't like I could just change my mind and go back and actually talk about social reform in the 1960s so I just keep going.  "Yeah, and my roommate and I may just go out to dinner to celebrate tonight, because you know what.. half birthdays are really important.  I don't know where we're going to go out to dinner yet, but I'm sure we'll find somewhere nice to go."  At this point a girl asks me "are you really?" The truth is... no we had not even discussed going out to dinner, but what do I reply "Yes, we sure are."  Now I am lying to my entire Psyc313 class, but there's no turning back now... and my minute is almost up so I just keep going a little bit longer... "So yeah, maybe some day... I can make a social change that would recognize half birthdays and how important they really are.  Maybe we could even celebrate these half birthdays internationally.  Thank you."  And I'm done.  I survived the minute.  I made everyone in a class laugh for the first time in my life.  I smiled the whole time and I didn't let my embarassment show.  I think I really am changing.  Haha but dannggg was it embarassing.  I should have announced at the end that I really do know stuff about americas history.

Thanks for listening to my thoughts, lol.
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