Oct 21, 2006 11:13
so basically im over my whole little "episode" that i had the other day . lol so if you read the post below this one . just forget about it hhahaha
so on thursday i left school at ya know 12pm . it was wonderful lol but had to go to the heart doctor but it was no big deal . the doctor told me i was the most boring patient he had ever had cause there was nothing wrong with me . rapid heart beat happens to a lot of girls my age and it usually goes away . soo thankkkkkkkkkkkkk god =)
yesterday school was whatever .. then kate picked me up and we went to go see some of the camp kids . maggie of course wasnt there .shes never there when i go . but we then went to mcginn and i saw my deutchy<33 shes possibly the cutest kid ever and she ran up to me and gave me the biggest hug and said that she missed me so much<3 she made my day && then i saw chatterbox and elizabeth - such cutiessss . then we went to coles && jarren works there =) so i saw him and then i saw alex poulios and darron <33 they ran away from me hahaha what cute little boys . soo then i went home and got ready for the game && then i went to the game. i gave natalie the senior sign that i spent 5 hours working on to her && she was soo excited that i was the one who made it for her . she said she had secretly hoped i would be the one hahaha and that made me happy<3 cause shes my favorite ever . soo we won the game!!!! moses scored all four touchdowns. hes a beast . yay #5 . after the game i slept over christinas . yeah i fell asleep mad early lol like always
this morning we were supposed to tag on inman but we get there and theres these freaking knights of colombus people there and they are saying some bs that they have the corner and we dont and that they are collecting for alztimers and we are "just cheerleaders" so they have more right to be there && plus we arent a school in colonia . blah blah blah what bullshit . older people think they are so much higher up just because they are older. but you know what they need to get off their high horses and realize that they are no better then the rest. so yeah
now im home . and im waiting till like 1:15 to wait to go get my hair cut. && later im hanging out with my best crippled friend erin . who sprained her ankle for like the 3847642 time last night . lol
soo more later . kbye<33