May 01, 2006 20:16
hey guys . sorry no update . ive been busy lately
alright ill start with friday
friday:school was actually pretty good i guess . i dont remember
so i stayed after to help set up for semi . and me and danny got to hang
these cool star thingys over the bleachers . it took forever . but we did a good job
and i talked to julienna for like the first time ever
and i think shes super nice =) .. soo then after that
i went to see STICK IT with
seriously best movie ever . i wanna see it again!!
so then we got food . and then i went home
saturday: woke up mad early and got my nails&toes done at 9:45
got them done like a metalic bluish to go with my dress
then at 12pm i got my hair done . and it looked amazing!
it was all up . and i had my bangs down . and oh man i loved it!!!
then i went to the mall with mom and we had lunch .. then we went to claries
and i got little flower clips to put in my hair
then at 2:15 i went to mac to get my makeup done .. the girl who did it did an AMAZING
job . it was pink to a black smokey fade . and she mixed me my own foundation
i looked flawless . and i was in love with it =) .
then i went home . and i got ready for semi
then everyone came to my house and we took pics . it was fun
then we went to the school for the semi
i thought i looked AMAZING! seriously i really thought i did
and everyone loved my dress&makeup&hair . and said i looked great
it was really a fun night . except my stomach hurt super bad but it was alright
and then i went to applebees after but lucky me had a migrane
and then i went home and went to sleep
sunday: woke up at like 12:30 and then i went to my aunt kimmy's house for my nanny's birthday
it was the same old same old family party . except me&melissa&vicky came back here
to get my red dress and my blue one so vicky could try them on
shes gonna wear my red one that i wore to cotillion to the senior prom
lol she looked greatttttttttt in it =) .. and then i did nothing after that
today: was a boring day of school ya know
i got a 94 on one of my english tests . and it counts as a double grade!!! =)
and im soo happy about that . and then i walked to bga from my house in clark
for the boys game . yeah i cant feel my legs right now but it was worth it lol . they won lol
and right now im doing absolutely nothing at all . and thats about it
no big plans for this week . sooo yeahh
ill update more later