Jun 11, 2003 01:58
things i did today (which, i guess, is really yesterday now so we will say, "things i technically did tuesday.):
i took two codine at 2 am because i felt like i was going to die from an ear infection.
i signed up for ljmatch.
i talked to friends online and they made me feel better about the pain in my ear.
i went to bed at about three am.
i woke up at 10am.
i ate two chicken sandwiches and took anther codine because i didn't even want to think about the pain.
i went to sculpture class, which i had missed friday and monday due to illness.
i finished my project in about 45 minutes (it took everyone else the two days i wasn't there.)
i left sculpture and went to the ceramics studio to see my professor from last semester, rick.
we made balls of clay and poked holes in them and stuck fireworks in the holes and lit them near a construction site.
mine was the only one that looked like a pot.
i went home.
i finished watching the animatrix.
i tried to watch the history of anime on the animatrix bonus material.
i was bored out of my mind.
i tried to watch the animatrix with commentary, but the directors spoke japanese and there were subtitles and the noise from the cartoon, so i got all confused and stopped.
i had gas from the codine.
i surfed the interweb.
i played monopoly on NES against the computer and won (like always).
i forgot to call sheena.
i called matt close and cancelled band practice because of my ears and my lack of hearing ability.
i took pictures around norfolk.
i went to photography class.
i went to dustin's.
i played halo with mattie mark and dirty d.
we played halo again people on the interweb.
we went to LJS!!!!!!
i ate dinner.
we went to cash converters.
i bought some nintendo games.
we went back to dustin's house.
i drove home.
i talked to my moms.
i got a message from amanda carter to go to her top model party.
i was told by my mom to go to amanda's top model party.
i called sarah carter (no relation to amanda) and asked if drew good was going (he was!).
i went to amanda carter's.
i brought invisible man and tried to read it while they watch the show.
i smoked a clove on the balcony with charles and sarah and drew.
we came in and watched mtv.
i held ellen's cat tightly and kissed it on the mouth.
i said things like, "kitty, i love you. where have you been?"
i don't think the cat liked it because it twisted away and jumped down.
i threw my two shoes at it because the cat didn't love me like i loved it.
i threw amanda's two shoes at it.
i was told by my friend sarah carter that i needed to be nicer.
i made a vow to be nicer to people and animals.
i was surprised to see bobby and chris come in to celebrating chris' 21st birthday.
i humped an inflatable dinosaur.
i got a bj from the inflatable dinosaur.
i made all the girls uncomfortable.
i 69ed with the inflatable dinosaur.
i got an hj from the inflatable dinosaur.
i punched the dinosaur.
i told it i was sorry and humped it againg doggy style.
i punched it in the back of the head.
i was offened when the girls said i wasn't being nice.
i controlled myself and didn't say something mean to them.
i humped the dinosaur while its face was in bobby's lap.
we went to the new bellmont to celebrate.
i talked art with charles.
i talked art with bobby.
i mooched off my friends.
i drove the ladies home.
i went home and talked to my parents (it was one thirty am).
i was told by my dad that if i wanted to weld i was going to need longer gloves.
i went upstairs and my parents went to bed.
i got online and talked to matthew permenter.
i talked to sheena.
i talked to dirty deeds done dirty cheap.
i tried to get on friendster.
i was denied.
i read my friends journals on livejournal.
i responded to various posts.
i updated my journal.
i feel like i have wasted your time.
suckers (and i mean that in a nice way because, remember, i made a vow to not be so mean).