--> How's my f-list? I'm currently going through it...so be ready to get a random and rare comment from me. =)
--> I'm seriously tired of school. It's just concert this, sing at that, learn this music, then learn all this other stuff that has absolutely nothing to do with music. grrrr.
--> Two weekends ago was Houston area
NATS which is a voice competition! I got 3rd place! WOOOOOO! The girls who beat me had much bigger voices then I did but hey, I represented for the smaller voiced people! Making it to the finals at this competition is a big deal. Once you make it to finals you have one song to sing and you sing it for the judges and everyone else who is a finalist! Scary!
--> This week I was gearing up for the
Contemporary Music Festival which is held at our college every year. I sang two pieces of a concert yesterday. One of which was a WORLD PREMIERE! WHOOO! I'm awesome (or at least I try to be)!
--> My boss (Theory/Composition teacher) of three years has never seen me perform/sing. LOL. So he was so sweet. He told me like four times in like one hour how impressed he was with me. It was pretty funny. Everyone in the theory/composition department came up to me afterwards and told me how much they enjoyed it. I should get a recording of it soon and play it for ya'll.