
Feb 05, 2012 23:34

Taking one of my 'holidays' - got far too many to use up before the end of March anyway (as we open 10-3 on a Saturday; I'm one of the people who offered to work. For every Saturday I do, I get a day's holiday)

BUT this one is for a job interview...kinda pointless now I know a bit more about it.

I'm kinda annoyed with the agency girl who set it up; she told me it was only 30 mins by train from mine, and that the office was 10 mins from the station.

In fact, the train journey is going to take just over AN HOUR, with a 20 minute walk both ways (from mine to the station, and from the station to the office) - meaning it'll actually take the best part of TWO HOURS to get there! Which is the same as if I went on the train to my current job!!

As distance is one of the reasons I'm considering alternative employment (the theory being that if I worked closer I could get there by public transport, and thus not crash my car because I would not be driving it!) I was rather displeased with this discovery.

THEN, theres the cost. It costs me about £35 a week for petrol for my car - which I drive 25 miles a day to and from work. If I went on the train, it would cost me £6 a day.
This new job is twice as far away - so I'd be driving nearer 50 miles a day AND it'd cost me £9.60 a day!!

Why bother moving to a brand new company (as in so new theres NOTHING on t'internet about them) which may not stay in business, which is further away and costs more to get to (and from) than my current job!

Its pointless and I am annoyed at having been misinformed!
However, seen as all this was only confirmed on Friday, I had no opportunity to cancel the appointment. I guess the interview experience @ least could be of some use.

thank god for fanfic...the only thing that has kept me sane these last months....during which looking back I honestly believe I have been depressed. Not saying I'm cred now, but I think its better.

I just wish I could finish the fics I have started, and that I could actually WATCH the programmes I'm obsessed with. Unfortunately, due to the demise of places to watch US TV online and the fact that I don't have satelite TV and thus don't have the channels that air such fabulousness as Glee, Castle, Leverage, Criminal Minds and Supernatural, I have nothing but fic to tide me over till the DVD release.

Although....seen as I see slash in all these programmes, I guess its debateable that I may prefer the fic!

Basically, rl rant about jobs, and truthful gratitude for fic!

rant, fandom, life

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