Issue brought up at work

Oct 02, 2008 16:46

I have no idea if I have mentioned it (unlikely that I have, as I haven't posted on a rl issue 4 a while) but I've recently got a job in solicitor's office!!! FINALLY!!!!

So, I'm doing some research 4 1 of my supervisors, and was wondering if anyone had any ideas.......

There is information all over the internet on how to protect yourself against identity theft. But what do you do when it is not an individual which has stolen your identity, but a Bank who has mistakenly placed one clients debts under your name?
How do you remove the black mark which now resides on your credit rating through NO fault of your own whatsoever?

What do you do when the entity that is meant to look after your money (the Bank) takes it off you?
What do you do when this Bank admits fault not once but several times (although only once in writing) and yet continues to send court orders to your address, giving debt collectors your number, and even taking money out of your account for someone else’s debts!!?

Any one got any ideas where I could look for answers to the above questions? Or any suggesstions on what they themselves would do?

Anything/Everything would be greatly appreciated.
Ta muchly!!

work, rant, life

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