My B'day

Feb 20, 2008 20:30

it's actually been rather crappy.

I have to say thank you to all the lovely people who've emailed and commented with bday wishes; especially ender and roxy!! *hugs* thank you all so much
-also hedwigs_bane, who made a special post on lj JUST to wish me a happy bday - you rock hun!

I also got several lovely comments via facebook from a few RL ppl, which is nice!
And the mother had been hording cards, so apart from family stuff, Ialso had loverly cards from Looy, K8, Craig and Mis T! *hugs*
I also got alot of bday texts; not only Miss T and my bday buddy Wendy, but also Kim and Lisa from work, and Will!

However, that was it for my bday.
Not ONE person in Uni had remembered, in spite of it being mentioned several times last week, because it was he bday of one of the girls I sit with on Val Day. So no bday wishes for me.
Also got my head bitten off by some girl who had yet to hand in her elective options (even tho they were due in on the 6th!) Saying how wrong it was that only I had been given the info (which, as student rep, I diligently passed on to everyone else!) and basically blaming me!
There as also th ONE AND ONLY seminar we had today, which had me all stressed; all the more so coz the course is under assessment y the Solicitor's Regulation Authority atm, and I felt even more stupid coz we were being observed!!!

So, thank GOD for you guys!!! *hugs*
Anyone want to recommend me some fic in which my pairings of choice have a happier bday than mine has been? please?
CLex, Dr/Jack, JD/Cox, Ryan/Seth, Spike/Xander, Sam/Gene, Harry/Ron and Harry/Draco

Just something nice to come home to - coz now I've got to go to work!!!

EDIT: Work actually made me feel loads better!
I came in and everyone sang Happy Birthday to me! It was so nice, after spending the day with suppossed 'friends' who'd forgot.
I also thought that my workmates hadn't bothered sorting out my bday card, coz thats normally my job, but I got a loverly card signed by most of the pub!
Also a lil bag of chocs from a few of the girls, and a big box of milk tray off the boss! sweet!
All in all, I great end to a below-par 23rd birthday.

rant, life

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