Jul 21, 2007 14:45
ok, I am soooo not wanting to spoil anyone (courtesy of some PRAT at hp_rps last night, I was pretty well spoilt, and wouldn't want that to happen to anyone because of me) buuuuut, I have JUST finished the book, and I have to say that I LOVE IT!!!!!!!
I was kinda worried after HBP, which is probably the one I lilked least, but this was brilliant!
Deep...finally makes you understand why certain characters did certain things, and acted the way they did.
It had be giggling hysterically, and sobbing my heart out.
There was even some slash-worthy moments (if you squint...and well, are built so that your mind perceives slash in everything like I do!)
Basically, it was well worth the wait. I wish I wasn't in work tonight so I could read it again!
harry potter