Jul 05, 2003 16:23
just decided to take a short quiz since today is BORING as freak..got this from trisha`s page.. ENJOY PEOPLES!!
Have you
1. Been Kissed: der, who hasn`t
2. Done drugs: yea, i didn`t like it though.
3. Eaten an entire box of oreos: no freakin way man. i`m not THAT fat.
4. Eaten sushi: no but i would like to
5. Been on stage: yea der
6. Been dumped: not technically..me and the mc agree on our level of dumping and stuff.
7. Has someone been unfaithful to you: n0pe
1. Cold or hot: cold. i love cold stuff
2. Blue or Red: red. closest to pink
3. Rain or snow: SNOW!! either or actually.
4. Give or receive: give.
5. Wool or cotton: im allergic to wool. so cotton
6. Rose or daisy: i hate flowers AND roses
7. Private school or public school: private
8. Chocolate or plain milk: chocolate
9. thongs or g-strangs: these feel like permanent WEDGIES MAN!!
10. Spring or fall: fall. BIRTHDAY TEHE!!
11. arts or music: music of course!!
12. LA or Math: i love LA
13. Alternative or Country: i like both. but alternative is better.
Opposite sex
1. Do you like someone right now from the opposite sex: no. i don`t like people anymore cause thats dumb
2. Do they know: who? invisible man??
3. What do you look for in a woman or man: sense of humor. and just be a guy. burp. announce when your gonna poop. talk about guy stuff. etc.
Your Friends
1. Who`s your funniest friend: all my friends are stand ups. funniest would have to be michael paul. SO FREAKIN HILARIOUS!!
2. Who makes you laugh/smile the most: everyone can make me laugh.
3. Who`s the loudest: charlene and jameel
4. Who`s the shyest: lai
5. Whose parents do you know the best: Lai`s family i know. ShaQuan`s and Jameel`s too.
6. Who are you jealous of: noBODY. gosh wat the heck kinda question..
7. Who has the best room: mc amy`s!!
Within the last 24 hours have you...
1. Had a serious talk: no.
2. Hugged someone: nope
3. Gotten along with your parents: of course.
4. Fought with a friend: nope
Do you like to...
1. Give hugs: not really. only for sayin goodbye and stuff.
2. Give back rubs: nope
3. Take walks in the rain: piss yea!! i love rain.
4. Be pampered: no im too old for that
Which one of your friends...
1. Is most likely to grow up to be a model/singer: my friend casey (boy) is so boom that he could be a model. singer would have to be megan
2. Which one knows most about you: shaQuan
3. Is most likely to become a comedian: michael paul or samuel
4. Who have you known the longest: Rochelle since preschool, ebony since kindergarten
5. Do you know most about: Lai
7. Most likely to end up in jail: hahaha ME!!
Have you Ever
1. Been to a concert: yea. nelly`s concert was boom
2. Loved someone so much it made you cry: no
3. Cheated on a test: nope
4. Bought something and then saw it cheaper somewhere else: nope
5. Stolen Something: always
6. Stalked someone: not stalked like followed them. but stalk like called them and knew stuff about them..
1. Single or Hooked: single and happy
2. Who is your biggest crush: don`t have one
3. If you were gonna go out with anyone who would it be: angee. he is a true guy in my opinion. and he is boom too.
4. Have you had a lot of boyfriends/girlfriends: nope. no date slut here. haha
5. Have you ever had an online relationship: no way man. wat the piss...
1. What is your worst habit: biting my nails and smoking
2. What really makes you mad: frontin..
3. Scariest moment: i ain`t never scurred!!
4. Happiest moment: road trips are fun
5. Do you swear too much: most of the time..i`ve toned it down
6. How do you feel about homosexuals: dont care just dont try to make others gay. and dont touch ME!!
7. How do you dress: weird. im me.
1. When was the last time you showered: yesterday morning. heeey its summer.
2. What color pants do you have on right now: jeans. light and capris.
3. What is the last thing that you said: i laughed at my mother
4. What is your computer desk made of: wood
5. What are the last 4 digits in your phone number: 0788
6.What was the last thing you ate: imitation captain crunch cereal
7.Who do want to spend the rest of your life with: everyone i love
8. Do you have a lava lamp: yea but i need the attachment
9. How many buddies are online your list: 4
10. What did you do last night: watched lizzie mcguire and did excercising
11. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone: jameel
12. What do you like most about the opposite sex: everyTHING. realness
13. What is the nicest present you`ve gotten this year: kobe jersey from brothur
14. How do you eat an OREO: twist. eat cream. eat rest
15. Favoite M&M: plain
16. Who makes you happy: homies, cool guys.
17. Favorite CD: beyonces, good charlotte, and lucy pearl
18. Height: five five
19. Are you a loser: hahah. teenage dirtbag
20. Have you ever won any special awards: yea, business week award and humanitarian in elementary
21. What do you want to be when you grow up: songwriter or sports writer
22. What are your future goals: graduate from high school
22. What animal would you be: a bird so i can take a dump on people who piss me off.