1. i'm failing school.
2. i am an english nazi. however, i will never use correct grammar, punctuation, or spelling in this "journal."
3. i bragged about how large my father's penis was tonight.
4. my sister is dying.
5. i don't think i'll ever get enough sleep.
6. i almost killed a man.
-i wonder if i'll ever be able to leave this house. i really can't wait to go, but at the same time i think i'm a little too wrapped up in the slime off my mothers lips. her words: an evening soap opera. for instance, mum's ranting right now behind me about communism and how she's sick of reading about fags.
don't blame her. she's gone back to college and her jewish professor is partial to "snapper." Professor Von Crotch gives out articles to read only on the subject of drag queens, carpet munchers, fruitcakes, etc.
-sister's down to a bone. she threatened mum that she'd take us away. another fight to cover up the 600 meals she's missed... the only thing that's going to cover her up is a few cheese burgers- or she'll be covered in six feet of dirt.
-ex boyfriend downloads japanese movies. last night was kind of a drag, i was rather drowsy. i always am.
i can't figure out what's going on anyhow. why i'm putting so much effort into something that might not be there.... i did make an amazing picture book-i must add.
-i wonder if i'll ever get locked up.
i've been wondering a lot lately.
-my english teacher told me to never use semi-colons. he said that they were what one would call "gramatical snobbery." i was kind of baffled at his broad ideas. i will still use semi colons. i am a rebel.
-mum and i just had a 30 minutes conversation on "ideology"
Inflected forms: pl.i·de·ol·o·gies 1. The body of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class, or culture. 2. A set of doctrines or beliefs that form the basis of a political, economic, or other system.
French idéologie : idéo-, ideo- + -logie, -logy.
Other forms
i'de·ol'o·gist n.
-grape wild strawberry whirl twister is not juce. it is poorly flavored, blue dyed, water- grease.