August 24th!

Mar 21, 2006 21:31

So I guess as it gets to be closer to 4th quarter I am begining to think about college a lot more! I cant even beleive that we are almost ready to graduate, it seems like just yestrday I was a freshmen. I am so excited to move on to a new chapter in my life and experience the college life. But I am really scared! I keep thinking about how this could be the last year I ever live with my parents, I plan on coming back for summers and stuff but I dont plan on coming back to live here with them again. Then this is the last summer I will spend with my friends here, we are all going to go to college and hopefully stay in touch but people are all going to be doing different things and most likely going to change and when we all come back it will be a lot different. Not like we all get along now though... I hate that but that is a whole different topic! So basically I am scared! I want to hit rewind and go back because its all coming so fast and even though its exciting its also really hard to try and prepare for. No one really ever wants to talk about it because its easier to just ignore it! Lately things have just been kind of okay...I feel like I did back in Sophmore year sometimes but I dont know how to not feel like that! Its strange and no one really understands because no one was really there when things were like that! I just dont want it to get that bad. 
I hate how much shit people talk about other people behind other peoples backs!
Basically thats all.
I love the Highland house! :)

PS- This is MY livejournal where I can write whatever I want! You dont have to read it if you dont like it!

I need to talk to you twin!
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