I'll fill you up! (ew...)

Jun 24, 2005 10:01

I am a queenie beanie baby!

Well...apparently i am according to dennis' (a cooks) older brother Ronald. He normally works at the 8 mile coney but he came over to ours to help in the kitchen. He SERIOUSLY was like....obsessed with me. He got me WHATEVER i wanted in the kitchen and made sure everything was right - best VIP treatment ever! The sex jokes were a LIL over the top - haha - but he made work fun! He told me i was his favorite and my orders over rode anybody else's! He started telling customers that i was a queenie beanie baby and that you could take me home in a box - hahaha! His brother dennis that normally treats me like shit TOTALLY changed his ways!

He came up to me 2 days ago and was like "honestly caroline, i used to think you were such a little SNOT but now that i know you i like you a lot. You're a VERY nice person and you're a GOOD person and i really like you! Honestly, i put you above A LOT of people." And then he pointed to all the other waitresses. I was SHOCKED! Now he is SOOOO FUCKING nice to me! He doesn't get angry when i make a mistake and he's very sweet to me when he has a question - it's RIDICULOUS! My coney life has improved SO MUCH! He even went out of his way 2 nights in a row to come say goodbye to me!

:) X a fuck'n MILLION!!

Too bad DP is coming in next weekend and i HAVE TO WORK FRIDAY AND SATURDAY....PROBABLY SUNDAY AND MONDAY AS WELL!! I can't get anyone to sub for me cuz everyone's gone for th e4th of july weekend! BOO! I'm going to a concert on thursday with him and his friends a ruth and caribous jon tho. It's free at comerica park and i'm EXCITED!

I think i'm supposed to go out for kelly's b-day tonight. I gotta see what's up. If not, I might go out with this guy from work or maybe i'll go to a party that my friend Nick is having. Well anyways...this is my ONLY day off so i'm gonna go lie in the yard and tan and sip on d. pepsi. TTY CRAZIES LASTA! :)
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