Jul 15, 2004 23:41

I came to a very sobering realization yesterday.......I hate ALL SUBURBS. I am very much a city person, I live for the excitement that is the city. I guess I always hated the suburban life, being as I grew up in the middle of butt-fuck nowhere (Oh how I looooooove the city of Fonthill, Ontario). When I was a pre-teen/teen, I especially hated where I lived, because there was NOTHING TO DO. Seriously, we'd all sit around and watch tv/movies, and bitch about our small town. I would cherish the times spent in Toronto, shopping at the kickass boutiques and roaming around the gay district. Downtown Ottawa is also a lovely place.

Why has this subject come up??? Because yesterday, I was introduced to the outskirts of Ottawa. TRANSLATION: The stinking "my life is over, I have 3 kids and a dog" suburbs! I agreed to help Mandy's friend Julie move from her downtown apartment to a new house that she and her boyfriend bought in Kanata.......they moved to this little town called Carleton Place. Let me tell you, this was just as bad as Fonthill. Convenience stores, convenience stores, Harvey's, Convenience stores, young families, the horror goes on. I want someone to shoot me if I ever become enthusiastic about living half an hour away from civilization. Don't get me wrong, the inside of the house was very modern and nice, but the neighborhood looked like a scene from the movie "Pleasantville"! Ugh.

I'm going home next week. To visit my over-bearing parents. I had a fight with mother today. This is going to be oh so swell. I need a martini
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