Nov 16, 2007 09:44
So I haven't felt compelled to update this thing in over a year because frankly, I didn't think I had anything witty or remotely interesting to say. However, after visiting my past today, my rage has been re-ignited and I need to vent out my frustrations in the form of a journal entry.
This morning I had to suck up my pride and take a trip to my former wretched high school where I hated 90% of the population during my tenure as a student. Why you ask? I'm applying to law school and needed my former guidance counselor to act as a verifier for my application. Well, the school has changed drastically since I left and to make a long story short, it's a fucking confusing maze at the moment. It currently looks like a scene out of "The Jetsons"; however, during my 5 years there it basically looked like a slumhole. But, I digress....while trying to find the new guidance office I made the mistake of asking a jock where it was. He replied, "Uhhhh....(pointing)there's the office over there." He was pointing to the main office. I then told him, "Um no, that's the main office, not the guidance office." The cheesehead then had the balls to say, "Well, that's the office, so deal with it." What a FUCKING tool. I thought this type of attitude only existed in Toronto. I was this close to telling him to eat my ass, when one of my former math teachers walked up and saved me from further embarrassment.
The moral of the story? Highschool kids are still pieces of shit. I hope that guy has the good sense to sterilize himself, as it would be a travesty if he decided to procreate. Douche.