May 25, 2005 18:11
so much to doo these days! work started monday and tuesday, and its not too bad i guess. kinda boring cuz we're so slow, but i like it well enough..its money so whatever. school is so retardedddd i hate everything about it and all i want is for it to be summer so i dont have to go anymore. i wanna take a skip day tomorrow but i dont if im going to yet - im just guna see how i feel in the AM. overall the play went pretty well, and after sunday's performance me, ashley, her new boo Joe and this sexy kid AJ went to jib jab and it was lots of funn, we showed up like ten mins before they close haha. AJ got mi numero ;) excitement. we might be donig something friday, yay for madbug. beta club induction thing tonight - we get to dress up real cute haha so tahts fun. practicing for majorette is annoying. i hope to god i make it, i dont wanna march again! i get my haircut tomorrow at 4 and i think highlights. memorial day band thing monday morning - that sucks. eh thats life.
life's not too shabby tho, aside from having to go to school everyday and barely staying awake in kinsey haha. im having fun being busy, its nice to have responsibility and things to do so im not bored. welp i gg finish getting ready - later babes x0x madbug*