Apr 10, 2005 00:46
my night with cherry monroe...what a great time. so me ashlyn and emily got there and conveniently cut sarah alyssa and destiny. it was great cuz instead of having to wait in the mile long line wrapping around the southern park mall we were right up front! the opening bands werent anything great, except for in between home and serenity. they were so freaking good. they reminded me a lot of taking back sunday. nto to mentino they're fucking hottness!!! the lead singer and the green haired one were my faves haha. eventually me and destiny got separated from everyone else cuz the crowd was so packed in there and we wanted to be up front real bad haha. but we ended up getting beer spewed all over us cuz some chicks were fighting and pushing everyone around. it was hilariouss haha. i tried to get pics of it with ashlyns camera =) after some kyle guy from HOT 101 tryin to sing and be sweet even tho he was terrible (altho his hottness made up for it ;) ) cherry monroe finally came on at like 1030. wow. all i have to say is matt toka is the sexiest man alive and i will have his babies one day. that band is amazing. they're real good entertainers, not to mention the music is quite decent and the lyrics are great too. i would go back and see them in a heart beat. i cant wait to go buy their cd and thennn to the cd signing on april 23rd at jillins again!!! yess. cherry monroe is definitely one of my favorite bands now. me, E, and ash had so much fun, despite the extreme heat and the pushing and shoving haha. i loved every minute of it. good times...good times... =)
pancake breakfast tomorrow for the relay 4 life team. gotta work at it a lil bit i think. i need to study biooo. im guna fail that test monday! im guna be fucked. eh oh well. im really tired and my legs and feet are killing me. good night loves. x0x madbug*