Apr 07, 2005 22:12
alrite day. school was school, babysat, made corn cake, tanned, shawns (why, i dont know) worked out, home.
you know, you take a chance and sometimes things dont work out the way you thought they could have or even should have, but then you move on and hope things will go back to the way they were. its never certain whether they will or not, but things will happen the way they need to. in the best of cases you will be strong enough to push thru the "awkwardness" and its pretty much a trust thing. hope and trust...wow. two things im glad i have a lot of.
fever pitch comes out tomorrow. CANT WAIT! it will make me hate my life..haha emily.
to ashley-im sorry things have been shitty between you and i lately, ive just been expanding my relationships with people i guess you could say. i dont mean to keep u in the cold, and im sure thats what you've been thinking, and i dont want you to think its intentional. i dont wanna lose you as a BFF, i just need space sometimes. i still love you ashbash!! and everything will be fine, i promise. keep your head up dear =)