whew what a day!

Jul 28, 2005 09:21

ooookk...so today i went to the wave pool with traci amanda katie and dana nanana we had quite a good time even tough other friends couldn't come  :( we saw this guy in a yellow speedo....he was large and pale...very pale and it was like a train wreck...just couldn't look away... me and manders got hit in the face with feet...gross and i am ashamed to say but i gave a mean look to a poor little girl...but to be fair she did run me over in her tube! me and traci got some funnel cake we were soooooo EXCITED!!!  i heart funnel cake MAJORLY! but when i carried it out the little doorway thing the fan blew and the powdered sugar went ALL over me...it was very amusing! when we got home i went and parcticed paraell  parking cause my test is next week and lets just say i'm very inconsistant...ick i HATE stupid paraell parking! i hate cities ...witch is usualy where that type of parking is used so i'm not even gonna have to do it!!! BLAH but after that i went and got ice cream....another great thing to add to my cake diet that i have been on for the past week...i'll shake it up this weekend by going on a hot dog and CHICKEN SANDWITCH diet! well i'm off to pack for camp ...i enjoy the thrill of waiting till the last minute!
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