Yep. After two babies who have been relatively easy, I've scored a spewing cat napping serious Sally who cries 90% of her day. It's safe to say as much as I love this little lady I have had trouble 'enjoying' her. Infact I find myself willing her on and wishing away her baby days. I daydream about her being a smiley happy easy baby.. And have felt serious pangs of jealousy towards the friends who have recently scored the normal newborns. The ones that sleep and sleep and smile a little. Mine was never ever like that. She has been a challenge from day one and now at four months I honestly have to say I can't take much more. We have an appointment to rule out any kind of medical issue next week and if that dr even utters the word colic I will whip a bitch. Colic. Pfft! Aka we actually have just as much of a clue as u do but don't want to sound stupid so we'll lump your baby into a sooky category of babies who also cry a lot for no good reason. I feel jipped. I feel like I've not been given that beautiful baby bliss that I adored so much with my other two. I love her I love her I love her but at this point in time I don't like her very much.
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