Jun 03, 2004 22:33
Ok yeah i really dont know what to do here i mean me and kevin are on a "break" i guess you could call it. I just dont want him to think he did anything wrong cuz he didn't. That kid has like never really pissed me off ever. He's a total sweetie. He's treated me better than anyother b/f i've ever had. AND no i did not do this for ANY other guys. That would have been pretty dick of me. Yeah im just gonna chill out and have fun and not have the pressure i guess u could say of a boyfriend for right now. I just want to straighten other shit out and get my life on the right track. I have to much on my plate right now. So mush crap goin on in my head. And lately i just feel really warn out. As if i cant go on and just completely drained at the end of the day. I feel a little better now though. Maybe thats wrong i dont really know.