Spring Break is Never a Break, Really

Mar 25, 2008 10:10

I'm thinking about starting up a website with a Wordpress blog. I don't know that I would post in it more often, but I definitely enjoy the specs more than Livejournal. Actually, I'm running for student government again this year, and our website www.oregonactionteam.com uses Wordpress. I've only blogged on it twice, but it was much more satisfying.

I ended my internship at Looking Glass New Roads yesterday morning. It's not that I don't think they're a great organization, it's just, I don't think I'm strong enough to do social work. I had planned on ending it at the end of dead week, but my supervisor, more or less, threatened to not give me a passing review if I didn't intend to stay on another term. So I told her I'd stay on, waited for my grade to post, and quit over the phone. Did I mention my lack of strength?

Andy and I are taking the train to Seattle on Thursday. I don't know if anyone remembers, but I vowed never to take a train again, but that was before I was 21. The idea of sitting around drinking all the way up to Seattle is a lot less stressful than driving up. We're staying at a hotel called the Silver Cloud. Alan says it's a nice place, and hotels.com seems to agree. I'm excited because there is a double jacuzzi tub in the room, and I intend on really taking a Spring Break.

Today I am baking some cake samples for a wedding cake I may be building in August. I really hope she likes the cakes, because her cake idea is awesome. She's doing a "'til death do us part" themed wedding, and the cake will have Dia de los Muertos sugar skulls on it. The potential client is Cece, my hair lady, and I think she's already on-board, but if the cakes suck she's going to be honest with me.

Lastly, HAPPY 21st Nate! I hope you're having an awesome time in Vegas!
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