Nov 23, 2005 17:25
its happening again...
xx: who is this
xx: ?
ilovebarneymore: who is this?
x: kim
xx: u??
xx: u??????/
ilovebarneymore: kim who?
xx: who r u?
ilovebarneymore: kim who? jsut answer.
xx: u first i allready told u my name
ilovebarneymore: stop acting like a little kid. you IMed me. just tell me who you are.
xx: u first
ilovebarneymore: casey.
ilovebarneymore: happy?
xx: yupp
xx: casey who
xx: ?
ilovebarneymore: since we're playing this gay game "you first, i asked first" i told you to tell me your last name first. so say it.
xx: i m kim k
ilovebarneymore: spell it all out.
xx: u first
ilovebarneymore: no. i fucking told you to tell me your last name.
xx: i gtg
xx: bi
ilovebarneymore: no.
ilovebarneymore: answer one questionf or me, and il be nice
ilovebarneymore: are you from new york?
xx: yes
xx: i gtg
xx: bi
stupid little kids from new york are giving out my sn. it started 8th grade. there was a girl who thought she was my cousins best friend when really my cousin hated her. my cousin was too scared to yell at her and call her a bitch and shit. i told her i would do it, i did. the next day the girl had printed out our whole conversation and literally gave my sn to EVERYONE in the school. for months everyday i would get new people IMing me wanting to "be my friend." its obviously startng again. i have gotten a couple of people IMing me wanting to be my friend. yeah, well they can all kiss my ass because i want nothing to do with a bunch of little 7th graders who think they are the coolest people in the world. FUCK IT.
todays my moms birthday. tomorrows thanksgiving. im going to bertram to spend it with kyle and his family. happy thanksgiving everyone.