Aug 17, 2006 18:31
This is the most horrific and fantastic story you will ever read....
So I was over at the Jackman residence today, having a spledid time with the girls and laughing about random nonsense. We decide to raid Kelley's freezer for Girl Scout Cookies, and while we were doing so we noticed that there was a fine looking treadmill! Kelley decides to put it on full speed and being the bright person that I am I say, "You think I can keep up with that?" ((Something like that))
So I jump on the treadmill and BAAAM!!! I take two quick steps, flip onto my back, land hard on the rotating belt, and was pelted right into a chair. I thought I stepped on some rasberries (which we were eating), but it turns out I cut my foot it two places and was bleeding a bit. I never laughed so hard in a loooong time. It hurt so bad though.
After that, Kelley slows it down and (not learning from my mistake) sits on it. When she fell of the end she somehow got stuck and the belt kept rubbing against her arm (arm was it?). SO we were both injured as Clare sat laughing and eating some of those Peanut butter cookies.
Before that though, Clare had gotten stung by a bee (for the 1st time!) and was suffering greatly. Kelley's house wants to kill us all!! BEWARE!!!
There Kelley, I worte it! Comment away! I'll be on tonight; be there or be square!!!