So yeah everyone left here for xanga... my xanga is still amazing xfairyxflirtx
My website is up! Its not anywhere near being done and today hopefully colors and lay out will change... everything changes constantly and it's updated every day so if your interested... check it out!!! it's at There's no www if you type that the site doesn't work (i know lol i spent like an hour figuring that out)
Anyways I think it's kind of nice updating this knowing that i wont be lashed out on by brian and called ignorant and narrow-minded. Funny how people claim to be tolerant and really are only tolerant to people who are like them. And I have to say that I listen to everything he says and comment back without being mean or lashing out. He's 26 and has yet to understand you should attack the ISSUE and not the PERSON.
If the site is good enough on sunday I'm going to all the christian groups online and chat rooms and emailing youth groups and asking everyone to go to my site and link to me. It really is/will be an amazing site.