i know i just wrote an entry. but okay, i hate it when all of a sudden, i get really upset for no real reason at the time and i feel like crawling up into a little ball and sleeping all my troubles away. gosh, that honestly was really random.
i guess the real problem is the fact that i'm not going to have a summer at all. i'm going to have a schedule. i have to go to five camps this summer. three of them are cheer camps, one of them is Spring Hill which is two weeks longs, and then i have marching band camp for a week (i already have a date for the dance too ♥) oh, and on top of all that i'll have cheer practice every week and driver's ed. i'm afraid that i'm not going to be able to hang out with all my friends or my family (especially my brother since he's leaving for college). my free time is going to be extremely limited and i'm sort of excited, but on the other hand i'm not. summer is about relaxing, getting away from school and teachers and all the drama that happens. i probably won't be even able to sit down, let alone relax. speaking of school, final exams are coming up and i'm more then nervous. i'm scared out of my mind. i'm the worst test-taker known to man and i have no clue what i'm going to do. though my biology grade has gone up, i'm still really concerned/worried about my grade possibly dropping because of the exam. grades are really important to me and my parents, and i would hate to disappoint them. i guess all i can do is study my arse off and just pray to God i'll do alright.
on a lighter note, we got our yearbooks last week. i love getting years books and looking through them. signing them is the best bit though. using different coloured sharpies to make them special, writing down inside jokes and hilarious memories. i always think about what i'm going to write before i sign anything so it won't take very long but it will still be sincere. but it's sad at the same time because i now realize that the year is all over, and a lot of my upper class friends are leaving and i could possibly never see them again. i think it's completely hit me now that it's the end of my freshman year. it's so weird, it totally doesn't feel like it's the end of the year. i've met the best people this year, it's so great. i don't think i regret one thing that i did this year.
these are all from last Friday. :]
i think my can't-think-of-anything-to-update-about disease is spreading to other people. i know i used to update like three times a day, but nothing exciting has happened lately, and i don't feel like boring you guys with stuff that doesn't matter. i do check my friend's page everyday though, and i still don't really comment much. i hate it, because i come home from school and i just sit here at the computer, staring at the screen, thinking about something to update about. i'm really surprised that there usually isn't anything interesting in my life to talk about, my middle school was just more...fascinating i guess. or maybe i just was bored a lot more often in middle school. hmm.
well, i guess that's it really. you can ask questions through comments if you want me to tell you anything about these past couple weeks. have a lovely day everyone. xxo
p.s. i may have a new layout soon. don't get me wrong, i love my Gorillaz one, i just like changing my layout to bother you guys (just kidding). and i'm still thinking about this hiatus thing. oh, and Ellie, i'm going to write you a letter this weekend. i'll make sure it's at least two pages long.