So here's the thing. I always kinda thought Ruby was evil. So having the twist at the end of the episode didn't really surprise me, I didn't hate it, and I still love Sam/Ruby, in all its dark and twisted glory. My reasons for loving it don't include any issues I may or may not have had with Genevieve Cortese's Ruby, I don't think it was inconsistent with the way Ruby had been portrayed, and damnit, fandom, the boys are not all powerful, omniscient and infallible. I'm not saying they're idiots, but they're allowed to be vulnerable and be manipulated every once in a while. That's what I loved about Bela, and I still love that about Ruby. And that's all I'm going to say on that.
More to the point -- in her canon verses: [verse] canon and [verse] revenge is supernatural, I will be killing Ruby off. Because I liked the twist and I want to keep it that way. In her other AU verses (Wayward, Winchester Initiative, Fences, Without you, wherever else I might be playing a Ruby), she will be staying alive, and the changes that were made to her character are going to stay in effect.
And that is about all.