mac vs pc my personal battle

Aug 07, 2006 23:56

so i am getting a new laptop for college,

i was originally gung-ho for mac since alot of the apps i really want to use and whatnot, and aside from being a bit miffed by commercials and a few annoying mac users i know i had no problem

having used windows for a very long time i feel very comfortable with it and dont feel any problems using it, but am kinda interested in change

well i was all set to get a purty new macbook until i read coverage of the apple WWDC convention
and saw such pictures as this

and that

while i guess at a developers conference it is a place for a company to gloat, but after viewing those i felt they were a bit childish and idioti. not once have i ever seen any dell adds or comaq adds mocking a mac product.
or even  a microsoft advert.

true microsoft is trying to control our lives
but is that much different from what mac is doing ?

mac is even worse than microsoft in a monopoly esque respect considering the fact that they are partially vertically consolidated so that they can only produce platforms on which their OS can operate thus it prevents other companies from creating OS X running computers and additionally the way that macs are priced its inherently elitist, since a great deal of people cannot afford computer that is over a thousand dollars, making it a computer for the affluent and trendy.

now of course i went on and saw what other options i had..
and what emerged was an asustek computer that had comparable or better specs to the macbook i was getting for roughly the same price
i guess the problem is that do i buy a mac with reservations or do i show my displeasure for what was in my opinion corporate misconduct and buy a competitors laptop...
and i have to decide in a day
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