Nov 15, 2005 18:42
So i tried the livejournal thing.
and, once again, i fail to see the reason i should tell everyone my problems or dilemmas.
there really is no point; everytime i decide to type up my thoughts it has nothing to do with anything thats going on, cus i just cant seem to think of anything to say except for some random emotion im feeling at the moment.
but who really cares anyway?
I don't even like the internet. if it was my choice, i would start an AIM strike and only use the telephone for the next few years.
the internet is so boring, its just random nonsense that takes no effort in writing, you can form words with just the tap of your little fingers and it carries no emotion or feeling or depth. Everything and anything can be misinterpreted and you cant even hear the emotion in the other person's voice, or see their reaction in their expression. I cant tell you the number of times I've been involved in a misinterpretation because of online chatting.
Along with this new discovery of hate for the internet, i've discovered that the devil's first name starts with Q and he drives a chrysler. and I'm off to take the downey link to discover the location of mother nature's uterus.
But that is straying off topic.
Maybe this whole "blog" nonsense just isn't for me.