Jan 23, 2008 13:10
I am 31 and still shocked at how much hatred there is in this world and how often people use God to promote it. How often they misquote and misrepresent what the Bible says knowing people will believe.
Heath Ledger was 28...and died yesterday (for those who did not know...). He left behind a 2 year old daughter, friends, and family. Maybe he OD'd maybe he commited suicide maybe he took 2 of those sleeping pills by his bed and something else happened in his body. HOWEVER he died does not mean the loss is ANY LESS to those who loved him. Some hate breeding sick and disgusting church is planning on picketing his funeral and putting it on more than a few sick websites because he played a gay man in Brokeback Mountain. The same church that pickets SOLDIER'S funerals...I read about it in a group I am in...that has warned people when the sick group is picketing things and checked the SICK website HOPING it wasnt there. It was...and I wanted to cry...shoot I did. I do not even want to type what I read in their 'press release' in this email...it is hateful sick sick stuff and going around other sick sick websites. I will not shove nor argue the Bible or God here. I will say hate breeds hates (and fuels it for that matter) and there are groups spreading it like crazy right now...so just remember that love breeds love also...and what we teach our children they carry on.