What is going on with this country!!!!!!

Jul 14, 2004 11:00

First off I was watching TV today before picking up the baby, and I heard that Bush is allowing people who make under $27000 a year more overtime than those who already work it. First off I think this is bullshit for the fact that most the people earning overtime either need it or deserve it already. Another reason no one should vote for Bush in the Fall. Then this whole Fire Fighter cutback in the city is pissing me off. How come we have the owrst major in the whole country that even the Fed's had to tap him. Then when I came home with the baby, my mom told me that my little neighbor was sexually asssulted at mills. What the hell is going on. She is the same age as my sis and that ticks me off even more. WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON PEOPLE.
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