State of the Barbarian

May 01, 2009 11:03

Been playing with Facebook lately, which convienently does not demand long, structured posts.  Also found lots of random folks from way back on there, etc.

The construction project I'm managing plods along, long term stuff I'm behind on, but we are closing in on completion.  Utilities continue to be a PITA, but we are getting closer.  Should be substantially complete by the end of the month.

Which, by the way, how did it become May already?

Next week I am taking my bladesmithing class, and then that weekend is the big bachelor/bachelorett party for my friends B&K from spokane.  Sat is Theo chocolate factory tour, HopScotch festival.  Gonna miss a follow-up part of the bladesmithing class due to that, but oh well.

Crossfit continues to kick my butt. I was losing weight for the first quarter of the year, then I went completely level, need to get back on that wagon and lose another 15 lbs or so.

I'm really tempted to buy a van for Burning Man.  If I had a place to park it . . . .

Pretty sure I'm gonna Ranger this year, need to get my training, etc, sorted out for that.

House is in a shambles with how busy I've been.  Ack.  Got new bees last week, then got stung by one of S's bees while working with her to replace her queen.  It's annoying that I swell and itch so much from stings--that was Tuesday, and my arm is still swollen and itchy.  Benedryl continues to put me to sleep--took some Wed night and slept for 10 hours, still woke-up tired.


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