ARASHI no Old Magazine Scan

Jul 27, 2009 19:57

hi, minna-san!!!!

gokigen ika ga desuka?!

fiuhh,, today is so tired today "-.-,,, this morning i must moved any properties in my home to temporary home,,

because i will move from my former home to the temporary home as soon as possible,,

because my lovely home will have reconstruction become better and more beautifully, :D

honestly, i plan to post this entry this morning, but my mom ask me to help her move the properties so i can't post an entry. But fortunately, i can post an entry tonight to share with you

now, in this nice occasion without any delay, i will share arashi's old magazine (because  the old things are not always bad, rite?!) :D

without any delay . . .

Preview :


[2007 . 07 . 16] Oricon Style





download      password:marathon

[2007] Pict Up vol. 4






download       password:2007

Credit to

P. S.
comments are appriciated :D

arashi, download

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