Sep 09, 2009 09:26
Things are getting fairly unpleasant at work. It has now been a month since they told us our jobs no longer existed, and still no sign of when the interview and decision making process will be. We have had another consultation meeting which was fairly useless, other than to let us know who the line manager will be for the new position, a good choice but I do think that she has been forced into it and I am not sure how this will work out - she is already so busy. But that decision has been made, so ho hum.
My colleague is in melt down - he is not helping his cause at all. He is negative, hiding and snapping at the few people he is interacting with. Which is fine if that’s how he wants to deal with it, but if he keeps on snapping at the people who care, we will stop being quite so sympathetic. I have continued working, made sure I am seen to be - yes I resented having to work on Saturday but I still did it. He has done nothing to get himself seen to be indispensable - and people are noticing his absence from meetings etc. That’s another thing, he has refused to go to meetings with our current line manager to chat about things - he says he has nothing to say. Well, its kind of important to go, if only to get information etc. He is really cutting his nose off to spite his face. He has already said that he does not want the role that has been created, it will be boring, no responsibility etc, so why doesn’t he just bugger off? Go round talking to people, get contacts and see if any one know of anything going - this industry is incestuous at the best of times - why not use it? It is driving me insane watching him not be helpful to himself - all the while I am trying to fight for my own position. I know that the odds are stacked in my favour, but it is still a two horse race and I have to be selfish.
I do have an interview tomorrow for a job that I don’t want - that makes it hard to prepare…..
Sorry for ranting