Drabble: So Many Fishies Left in the Sea

Oct 13, 2007 10:30

This just jumped up and wanted to be written, so here goes...

Title: So Many Fishies Left in the Sea
Author: illwynd
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing.
Characters: Déagol, Sméagol
Rating: G
Notes: AU, written for the “Different Decisions” challenge at tolkien_weekly

With golden scales it swam in the river waters. Its existence was cold and simple-small insects in the silty bottom for eating, lazy slumber on the currents, yearly spawning. Just now it was drawn by a plopping sound from above-a juicy worm had fallen from the sky! He was lured by it, drew closer… but then his eye was caught by something new. A ray of light slanted to the bottom, glinted off of something. Forgetting the worm, he went to investigate…

“Not a nibble yet, Déagol?”

“No. But it’s a fine way to spend your birthday anyhow.”

lotr fic, drabble

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