Notice and obsession list

Jul 08, 2005 19:56

Ehh, just wanted to let everybody know... I'm gonna be offline for a while, dunno how long... just got a new comp and have to switch everything over, it could be done tonight, it might take all weekend, dunno...

Anyway, here's a Boromir obsession list I made a while back, figured maybe somebody might get a kick out of it.

1.) When some fool moviefan says anything about how awful he was for trying to take the ring, you wish it were legal to smite them with your sword.
2.) You actually have a sword, know how to use it, and you run to get it anyway, just to scare 'em.
3.) You have written essays defending Boromir
4.) You cry during the death scene, both movie and book
5.) You have been to that website "Boromir for Ringbearer" and wish you had come up with that phrase first
6.) You redecorate your room/house Gondor-style
7.) You have made/are in the process of making a Horn of Gondor
8.) You have made/are in the process of making an entire Boromir costume
9.) You're making TWO costumes, one bookverse and one movieverse
10.) You're learning to make chainmaille just for this task
11.) You have made other Boromir/Gondor-related items (such as white-tree tunics and necklaces... *snerk*)
12.) You can draw the White Tree freehand, perfectly, because you have drawn it so many times.
13.) "For Gondor!" is your battlecry
14.) Your neighbors have called the Noise Abatement patrol to complain about you blowing your horn before leaving for work in the morning
15.) When they confront you about it, you insist that you will not go forth as a thief in the night.
16.) When you see something you want, you mutter "It is a gift! A gift to the foes of Mordor!"
17.) You know why things like "Stupid ring. Stupid Fellowship." and "Killed by orcs. Stupid orcs." are funny.
18.) You actually start resenting Aragorn because "Gondor has no king. Gondor needs no king."
19.) But later you change your mind, because "I would have followed you, my brother, my captain, my king."
20.) In fact, you can recite everything he ever said in the movies.
21.) And the books.
22.) And you will compare the two at length to anyone who will listen.
23.) Come to think of it, you can list off everything said _about_ him in the books/movies too.
24.) Your favorites file contains a link to every Boromir-related website you can find, and you are a member of every Boromir fangroup you can find.
25.) You have made/have considered making a Boromir fansite of your own.
26.) You have downloaded every Boromir-related songvid you can find
27.) You have saved every Boromir pic you can find, and gosh that file is big.
28.) You have read every Boromir-related fanfic you can find
29.) You have printed out your favorites, and keep them in a binder that goes wherever you go.
30.) You scream when you come across an Evil!Boromir fanfic.
31.) Every fanfic you write has Boromir in it.
32.) You have written an AU fic, just because you can't stand that he's dead.
33.) You're trying to improve your artistic skills so you can make some Boromir fanart.
34.) The phrase "Gondor has no pants. Gondor needs no pants." brings to mind a shot from that sucky Bakshi movie, and you spend a while hating Bakshi passionately for making Boromir look like a Viking Daisy Duke.
35.) Your obsession has spilled over onto Sean Bean, and you're spending all your free time tracking down and watching everything he has ever been in.
36.) You're trying to develop a Yorkshire accent because of it.
37.) When you watch one of the flicks where he's the bad guy... well, it's obvious who you're rooting for!
38.) Your SO is afraid to go see any new Bean movies with you, because all that SQUEEEE!ing might get you lynched at the theater.
39.) Things like this make you laugh until your eyes are streaming and you nearly choke
40.) You feel quite justified in poking fun at him, because you love him so much.
41.) You have considered naming your future son Boromir, but have abandoned the idea after realizing you would spend all your time on the lookout for orcs with bows and arrows.
42.) You know what his name means, and think it's lovely
43.) You know the linguistic origins of it
44.) You know that if he had lived to be Steward, he would have been Boromir II
45.) You also know about the S.A. Boromir from the Silm.
46.) You know about Boromir's invisible cell phone.
47.) And the catapult thing.
48.) You celebrate July 4th rather soberly, take February 26th off work to mourn, but you do party it up on March 25th.
49.) You celebrate them all twice, because of the calendar differences.
50.) Fellow Boromir-lovers have an easy time getting onto your flist, while anyone who disses him has no chance.
51.) Your RL friends are getting really sick of hearing about him.
52.) You can relate just about anything to Boromir/Gondor in some way...
53.) In fact, you have written up proofs about why your hometown is like Minas Tirith.
54.) You have dreamed of Boromir
55.) You make Boromir obsession lists

56.) and the bonus, just for the slashaholics... when I said "Boromir/Gondor" your eyes bugged out and you wanted to defend his honor. (MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!! *snerk snerk* wow that was bad...)

Alright I guess I'll leave off here... although I could go on. And yes, I have done most of these. heh heh.

fandom, humor

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